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Practitioner Profile

We Look Forward Working With You

Jenna Olson

Jenna is a holistic health advocate. She has been studying the health benefits of vibrational therapies for the past ten years. Working with individuals, and groups, Jenna has offered her skills, time and knowledge to those in search of holistic, powerful, healthy and effective energy and vibrational healing tools and equipment.

Jenna dedicates herself to guide individuals towards: easy to use and the most affordable means of natural health and healing. Her studies in anatomy, physiology, nutrition and “alternative” health for the past 20 years, has led Jenna to ensure that she is giving back to others- everything she can offer, with the use of vibrational healing methods and equipment. Offering far infra-red saunas, whole body vibration, ionic detox foot baths, near infra-red light therapy, sound and aromatherapy, individuals are able to detox, reset, restore, and recover in safe, fast, effective, low impact holistic manners, that work with the body naturally.

She began her journey by earning her degree in Public Health (focused on nutrition and women’s health), from the University of Minnesota. After being broadsided in a severe car accident by a driver who ran a red light, Jenna spent the next 4 years working with: chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, rolfers, reiki practitioners, cranial sacral therapists, and physical therapy. She was determined to heal her own body through natural means, avoiding painful and dangerous surgeries and medications-that may have caused even further and permanent damage. Once Jenna learned how effective “alternative/holisitc” healing could help her recover, and heal, she began to utilize those therapies and study the variety of vibrational healing methods and technologies that have been used and practiced for thousands of years- in hundreds of countries and culture. These studies have allowed her to help others have the same success, in self care, health and healing, and achieve results, without dangerous, painful, or unnecessary surgeries, without dangerous and expensive prescription medications, without expensive doctors appointments and co-pays or hospitalizations, and lengthy recovery times.