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9D Breathwork : Transcending Fear Journey

9D Breathwork : Transcending Fear Journey

9D Breathwork is an immersive 9-dimensional experience. It’s not just one individual technique. 


9D Layers of the 9D Experience

1. 9D Multi Dimensional Sound Experience

2. Somatic Breathwork: releasing old energy that is trapped in the body - traumas and trapped emotions

3. Guided vocal coaching

4. Solfeggio Frequencies: set up frequencies that have proved to help balance the bodies energy system

5. 432hz harmonic tuning

6. Binaural brain entrainment: different frequencies played separately into each ear

7. Isochronic brainwave tones: one frequency on its own that beats very rapidly

8. Subliminal hypnotic therapy

9. Worldclass Music Composition

Please note, there are only 12 spots available per class and the class needs to be paid in full to confirm your reservation. Walk Ins are not Allowed. Also, due to the nature of the experience you must be there on time and you can not join the class mid class.

Please bring: yoga mat, blanket and an eye mask (if you have one)


Journey: Transcending Fear

The Transcending Fear breathwork journey is tailor-made for individuals who are prepared to confront and overcome their profound anxieties and fears. Perfect for those seeking a deeper exploration of resilience, this advanced experience offers insights that transform one's perspective on fear. If you're looking to face life's challenges with newfound courage, this is for you.


Common Outcomes of the Transcending Fear Journey:

- Transformation of Fear Perception: Delve deep into a new understanding, viewing fear not as an adversary but as a catalyst for growth and transformation.

- Reprogramming of Deep-Seated Beliefs: Overturn old narratives around fear, replacing them with empowering convictions that champion growth and forward movement.

 - Mastery Over Mindset: Utilize hypnotherapy to shape a resilient and adaptive thought process, turning challenges into opportunities.

- Leverage of Fear for Positive Benefit: Cultivate an ability to harness your fears, using them as tools to propel you towards your dreams and aspirations.

- Redefinition of Personal Boundaries: Break free from limiting beliefs, expanding your horizons and embracing a life filled with possibility and potential.

- Elevated Confidence and Self-Belief: Ignite a renewed trust in oneself, establishing a foundation for actions driven by courage, purpose, and conviction.


Event Information

Event Date 10-15-2023 10:00 am
Capacity 12
Registered 0
Available Place 12
Individual Price $60.00
Location Mountain Wellness Studio

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