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Practitioner Profile

We Look Forward Working With You

Tate O'Brien

Tate is 500 RYT, who loves nature, making art, and connecting with others. Her training and teachings have taken her from the Midwest to the Southwest, and places in between since 2020. Yoga for her is a highly adaptable modality for healing and self-nurturing through the process of unifying the mind and body. Her background in philosophy and anthropology takes classes beyond the pose and inspires deeper reflection. 

Often one can find her with a book or two on her person at any given time, as she is a firm believer that being a student is a lifelong endeavor. Feel free to ask her any questions or strike up a conversation - she also believes that she has never met a stranger, as we all share a spark of the same divine spirit. 


Vinyasa - Great for building strength, mobility, and flexibility. This is a physical practice that goes through a series of asana/poses in a flow-like manner. All levels are welcome!

Restorative - Experience deep relaxation and tension release with this gentle practice using fewer poses that are held for several minutes at a time. Don’t worry though -  this class is taught completely on the floor using props like blankets, blocks, and bolsters to make sure the body is supported.

Yoga Nidra - A guided meditation where delta brain waves are activated, putting the body and mind into a wakeful, resting state. This time spent on the floor can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, as well as increasing confidence, memory, and overall well-being.

Pranayama/Breathwork - The yogic practice of intentional breathwork has enormous benefits by balancing the nervous system; decreasing stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and impulse craving. 

Thai Yoga Massage (TYM) - This private practice is excellent for relaxing & nurturing your body and energy; improving flexibility/ mobility, relief of aches, tension, and stress, increase in circulation and lymphatic flow. The gentle practice consists of assisted asana/poses with a light massage over the clothing. The work is done on the floor to allow the practitioner to manipulate the body with soft but dynamic stretching, pulling, pushing, and twisting. This combination of massage and yoga is truly an enriching experience!

Please feel free to reach out to me directly regarding what classes are best for your personal needs. 

  • Instagram - @yoga.with.tate
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